McCriskin-Gustafson Funeral Home Directions
McCriskin - Gustafson Home For Funerals
2425 Plainfield Avenue
South Plainfield, NJ 07080
Phone: (908) 561-8000
Fax: (908) 561-6744
Email: info@mccriskinfuneralhome.com
Take Plainfield Ave. from Front Street in Plainfield and follow into South Plainfield. Go past the Middle School and bear left at light by the 7-Eleven. Funeral Home is on the left hand side after the light.
Follow Bound Brook Road (Rt 28) to Plainfield Ave., in Plainfield and turn right onto Plainfield Ave. (Continue with directions in LETTER A above.)
Take Plainfield Ave, in Metuchen up to Oak Tree Rd. Turn left onto Oak Tree Rd. and follow to traffic light at Park Ave. (you will see the A&P shopping center) Turn Right onto Park Ave. and follow to the next traffic light at Maple Ave. and turn left onto Maple Ave. Follow Maple Ave. down to the second traffic light, by the lake, turn right onto Plainfield Ave. The funeral home will be down approx. 1/2 mile on the right.
D. PISCATAWAY & EDISON - See top of page
Take Stelton Road to the traffic light by the Lukoil Station and Mieneke Muffler Shop. Turn right onto Hamilton Blvd. Follow Hamilton Blvd. past Home Depot and past Ramada Inn to the second traffic light and turn left onto the bridge. This is a continuation of Hamilton Blvd.. Follow over the bridge and continue around a sharp curve and continue until you go over another bridge. From the bottom of this bridge continue straight, past the lake, the funeral home will be down approx. 3/4 mile on the right.
E. RT. 287 - TRAVELING NORTH (From Perth Amboy Etc.) See top of page
Follow Rt. 287 to Exit #4 marked "South Plainfield, Durham Ave." Take this exit and turn right off the exit ramp. Follow the road up over the bridge, continue around a sharp curve and continue over a 2nd bridge. From the bottom of this bridge continue straight, past the lake, and the funeral home home will be down approx. 3/4 mile on the right.
F. RT. 287 - TRAVELING SOUTH (From Somervile, Etc.) See top of page
Follow Rt. 287 to Exit #5 marked "Stelton Road - Edison" Make a left at the light and continue down to the second light by the Lukoil gas Station. Make a right turn onto Hamilton Blvd. Follow Hamilton Blvd. past Home Depot and Ramada Inn to the second traffic light and turn left onto the bridge. This is a continuation of Hamilton Blvd. Follow over the bridge and continue around a sharp curve and continue until you go over another bridge. From the bottom of this bridge continue straight, past the lake, the funeral home will be down approx. 3/4 mile on the right.
G. NJ TURNPIKE (Traveling in any direction)
Get off Turnpike at EXIT #10, after toll stay left and follow signs for RT #287 NORTH. You will automatically get on 287 by following signs. (CONTINUE WITH DIRECTIONS IN LETTER "E")
H. RT #22: TRAVELING WEST: (From Union and Neark Areas).
Get off Exit which says "SOMERSET ST, THE PLAINFILEDS" (by Midas Muffler Shop.) Go over the bridge and at the bottom turn left. This will be Somerset Street. Follow Somerset St. all the way and cross over Front St. in Plainfield. (Front Street is the main drag in Plainfield). You will make a slight curve but continue straight and you are automatically on Park Ave. Follow Park Ave. all the way into South Plainfield (approx 2 1/2 miles) to Maple Ave. and turn right onto Maple Ave. (Rite Aid and 2 Gas Stations on the corners.) Continue down Maple Ave. to the end, 1st Traffic Light Turn RIGHT at the Light onto Plainfield Ave. The funeral home will be down on Plainfield Ave. approx. 1/2 mile on the RIGHT
I. RT #22: TRAVELING EAST: (From Somervile, etc.)
Take Rt #22 to WEST END AVE EXIT, which is after "K MART" and GLOBAL AUTO DEALER. Turn right onto West End Ave. and continue to follow the road. You will cross over Front Street in Plainfield, keep going straight; road will NOW BECOME GRANT AVE. Follow Grant Ave. until you come to a "BLINKER LIGHT" and a stop sign. Turn left onto Tompkins Ave. Go to stop sign and turn right onto PLAINFIELD AVE. Follow past the Middle School and CVS. Bear left at light by 7-11. Funeral home will be on left side.
Get off Parkway at Exit marked for Rt. #287 NORTH (exit will be past exit #131, in the Woodbridge Area). Follow the service road for some time. When you get on Rt. 287 NORTH (CONTINUE WITH DIRECTIONS IN LETTER "E")
After Raritan Toll Plaza, go over the bridge and stay in right lane. At the bottom of the bridge you will see signs for Rt. 287 (North). Follow signs and get on Rt. 287, automatically you will be on 287 NORTH (CONTINUE WITH DIRECTIONS IN LETTER "E")
Get off highway at the exit marked "Plainfield Road & Edison". This is near Mack Truck Co. Follow Plainfield Road all the way down. It will automatically turn into Stelton Road. (CONTINUE WITH DIRECTIONS IN LETTER "D")
Take the Verrazano Bridge and stay on thruway to exit marked OUTERBRIDGE CROSSING AND RT. 440. Follow signs to Outerbridge Crossing and go over the Outerbridge Crossing. This will automatically put you on Rt. 287 North. (CONTINUE WITH DIRECTIONS IN LETTER "E")
Take the Outerbridge Crossing into New Jersey. Once over the Outerbridge, you will automatically be on Rt. 287 North. (CONTINUE WITH DIRECTIONS IN LETTER "E")
Take NJ Turnpike South (either via GW Bridge or Lincoln Tunnel) to exit 10. (CONTINUE WITH DIRECTIONS IN LETTER "G")